Commentary → 🖋️ | Quote → 🔖 | Idea → 💡 | Other -> 🎨
- 🎨 The chapter’s names (Campanas del templo, Primavera temparana, La Festividad de la Luna llena, Un cielo cargado de lluvia, Un jardín rocoso, El loto en llamas, Mechones de pelo negro, Pérdidas estivales, El lago)
- There is a conductor vibe in the titles I struggle to pinpoint. Seasonal references and a sort of even vaguer Japanese character?
- 💡 Are the default roles different in a lesbian relationship?
- How does the frame proposed by the status quo here differs from the one in a heterosexual relationship, and what are the general consequences of that?
- How do expectations on the self vary, and how does this affect the relationship itself, if roles are less affected by the status quo? Is it easier for lesbian couples to explore sharing themselves / explore their shared personas in a healthy way?
- How do all these questions translate when discussing gay men?
- 🖋️ It’s mentioned that the portrait of her mom Otoko liked the most if the one that looked the most like herself.
- Subtle way to put it; this is probably true for us all.
- 💡 The spaces our experiences take place in are central in our memories, because they are understood as the only indisputable reality apart from our being. They are effectively what anchors as in reality.
- 🖋️ Suicide is mentioned in a tone of appreciation towards life: “[…] No temo al suicidio. Mucho peor es que uno se harte de la vida. Me sentiría plenamente feliz si usted me estrangulara después de haberme usado como modelo.”
- 🖋️ Baths are devised as renovating, revitalizing, almost to the point of absurdity: “[…] Ha de sentirse incómoda con esta humedad. **¿**Por qué no toma un baño?”
- 💡 The individuality of spaces; they definitely exist without us, as they appear to be able to set the tone before you dwell in them.
- Los hace reales no que los consumamos y procesemos, si no el hecho de que lo que nos acaba rodeando sea una interpretacion y un tono generados no conscientemente por nosotros sobre ellos; esto es, generado en colaboración con el elemento exterior. Intuyo esta capacitad generativa como característica de lo real e independiente.
- 🔖 “Todas las composiciones de piedra son abstractas, ¿no? —comentó Keiko un día—. Esto tiene algo de la fuerza de los cuadros de Cézanne sobre la costa rocosa de L’Estaque.”
- Can nature provoke art? If yes, is it all abstract?
- Humans apparently collected and venerated rocks resembling female figures and faces. The relationship towards these tokens is virtually the same we later developed towards our human-made Venus de Milo sculptures.
La brisa del río… Vistamos un fino quimono bermejo en la noche estival.
- 🔖 “Figuraban [las palabras de Oki] en la novela y eso parecía conferirles una vida autónoma que ya no guardaba relación con Oki ni con ella.”
- 💡To provide points of view is to provide profundity
- Raw reality isn’t but the generative possibility of a consumable reality. To provide multiple points of view of something, is to increment, to improve a raw reality, improving our generative capacity of evoking a reality for ourselves.