Quote → 🔖 | Reference → 🔗 | Idea → 💡 | Learning → ✏️
- 🔗 El libro de la almohada - Novel by Shei Shōnagon, dama de la corte japonesa siglo XI. Translated by Borges and his wife Kodama
- 🔖 “Salto ahora al abismo de la muerte. El suelo se deshace, el cielo gira” - Rankei Doryu
- ✏️ Haiku - Short form of Japanese poetry. Unrhymed lines (5-7-5, size normally difficult to translate), nature themes and the evocation of a season.
- 🔗 Matsuo Bashō - Japanese Poet, from the Edo period, considered the greatest master of haiku
- 🔖“The apparition of these faces in the crowd: // Petals on a wet, black bough” - Ezra Pound (This could be considered the first American haiku)
- 💡 Explore writing haikus in English (or Spanish) respecting the nature theme, the seasonal evocation and the juxtaposition of images, but bringing in topics as technology, transhumanism, space traveling, tech dystopia.
- ✏️ Haiku - Short form of Japanese poetry. Unrhymed lines (5-7-5, size normally difficult to translate), nature themes and the evocation of a season.
- 🔖 “El agua baña la arquitectura y la hace más moderna y comprensiva”
- 🔗 Fabliau - Género literario: relato humorístico breve, en muchas ocasiones alertando del comportamiento astuto y desvergonzado de las mujeres
- 🔗 Edo-Fukugawa - Museum exhibiting a recreation of a Tokyo village during the Edo period
- 🔗 *Kenji Mizoguchi* - Film director and screenwriter
- 🔗 The Banshu plain - Novel by Yuriko Miyamoto, taking place in Japan immediately after their surrender from WWII. Considered a key recollection of the early post war time and the set in motion of japanese post war literature
- 🔗 Deseo de Japón - Article, Revista de Occidente
- 🔗 Poesía clásica japonesa - Book by Torquil Duthie
- 🔗 Tetsugaku no michi - Stone path in Kioto
- 🔗 Baños de Yamamizuki - Kurokawa Onsen
- 🔗 El bello Japón y yo - Discurso de aceptación del Nobel en literatura, de Kawabata
- 🔗 Botchan - Novel by Natsume Sōseki
- 🔖 “Desde hace unas tres décadas hay un viaje ético y un viajero responsable” - Patricia Almarcegui en Los mitos del viaje. Estética y cultura viajeras*.***
- 🔗 Los mitos del viaje. Estética y cultura viajeras - Essay by Patricia Almarcegui (current author)
- ✏️ JK business (being JK an abbreviation of joshi koshei, literally translated as highscool girl) is the practice of compensated dating with adolescent girls; commonly under a non sexual nor romantic tone.
- 🔗 Under the sky as a pantyhose - Manga by Shun Umezawa. Crude recollections of life and its challenges in modern day Japan.
- 💡Patricia señala continuamente lo poco japonesa que se le hace la luz japonesa
- 🔖 “[…] jardines podados con esmero japonés”
- ✏️ NEET: “Not in education, employment or training”, Japanese term for the Spanish “ninis”.
- 🔗 Shasei - Painting style / tradition, based on sketches directly inspired by nature and life
- 🔗 The museum of oriental ceramics - Museum, Osaka
- ✏️ Kawabata and Mishima used to be penpals. Mishima started writing admiration letters, which Kawabata would answer in a cordial, short and cold tone. They ended up being closer and letters grew personal.
- ✏️ La caligrafia es considerada el arte suprema, preferida a la pintura, tanto en China como en Japon.
- 🔗 The Chinese written character as a medium for poetry - Essay, Ernest Fenollosa
- ✏️ Burakumin: caste at the bottom of the traditional social hierarchy.
- 🔖 “Voy a aprenderme los nombres de las plantas y de los pajaros de mi jardín”
- 🔗 The japanese Chronicles - Travel literature, Nicolas Bouvier
Notas de viaje. Moderno y dinámico, por su formato. El precio parece haber sido la capacidad de trabajar la profundidad de las ideas y sensibilidades que lo piden. Me llevo muchas referencias, algún cwant-to-go y la sensación de haber estado cerca de Patricia.